We ask you to carefully read this Privacy Policy to understand how your Personal Information will be treated when you enter our website www.ricsas.com
Royal investment of Colombia S.A.S. and Royal Vacations of Colombia S.A. reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy in order to adapt it to the first legislative, regulatory, jurisprudential, tourism or commercial sector practices, in which case, it will be informed through the website and these changes will be accepted in the Privacy Policies with the fact of continuing to use this website.
If you have any questions related to the Privacy Policies of the companies listed here, we announce our points of attention, in the city of Bogotá D.C. in Calle 42 No. 66B-21, office 101 and 202 respectively, as well as the channels of contact with their customers and users are available, on the telephone line +(57) 1 7561114 in the city of Bogotá Colombia and the e-mails administracion@ricsas.com and administracion@royalvacations.com.co respectively.
Royal investment of Colombia S.A.S. and Royal Vacations of Colombia S.A. in compliance with the provisions of Law 1581 of 2012, regulated by Decree 1377 of 2013. By which general provisions in the area of application regarding the rights to privacy, good name and informational self-determination are dictated; make available this Notice of Privacy, which has the purpose of providing users with adequate resources to previously access this Privacy Policy and give their consent for the processing of their personal data. Royal investment of Colombia S.A.S. and Royal Vacations of Colombia S.A. are committed to treat and protect their personal data using the means available to them and thus keep the authenticity, confidentiality and integrity of the information provided, these policies will be complied with by the managers, employees, contractors and third parties that depend on the job of Royal investment of Colombia S.A.S. and Royal Vacations of Colombia S.A.
The Personal Data you provide will satisfy the following purposes:
1. The support of the contractual relationship in your case established with Royal investment of Colombia S.A.S. and Royal Vacations of Colombia S.A.
2. The provision of services offered and in which the customer decides to subscribe or use.
3. The performance of all activities related to the service and for which will be included in a list of emails to send the information.
4. Processing your requests and clarifications
5. Marketing and sale of our services.
6. Notification of new services related to those already contracted or acquired.
7. For security in business transactions with your financial institution, with our service providers and with yourself.
8. The sending, by traditional and electronic means, of technical, operative and commercial information about products and services offered by Royal investment of Colombia S.A.S, and Royal Vacations of Colombia S.A. to its partners or suppliers, now and in the future.
9. Perform the transfer of data to other companies or commercial alliances in order to comply with our corporate purpose.
10. Royal investment of Colombia S.A.S. and Royal Vacations of Colombia SA understands that if you provide personal information about a person other than you are entitled to do so and by virtue of this we assume no responsibility for damages or prejudices of any nature that could originate in the lack of veracity, homonymy or the impersonation of the information provided.
As holder of personal data you have the following rights:
1. Know, update and rectify your personal data against those responsible or responsible for data processing. This right may be exercised, inter alia, against partial, inaccurate, incomplete, fractioned, misleading, or where expressly prohibited publication or has not been authorized;
2. Request proof of the authorization granted to the controller of the Treatment except when expressly excepted as a requirement for the Treatment, in accordance with the provisions of article 10 of this law;
3. Be informed by the Treatment Manager or the Treatment Manager, upon request, regarding the use you have given to your personal data;
4. Submit to the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce complaints for violations of the provisions of this law and other regulations that modify, add or complement;
5. To revoke the authorization and / or request the suppression of the data when in the Treatment the principles, rights and constitutional and legal guarantees are not respected. The revocation and / or suppression shall proceed when the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce has determined that in the Treatment the Person in Charge has engaged in conduct contrary to this law and the Constitution;
6. Access to free of charge your personal data that have been processed.
The information on the candidates resume will help Royal investment of Colombia S.A.S, and royal vacations of Colombia S.A., to form an opinion about the qualities of the person. Likewise, this information may be shared with the other companies and entities seeking that the profile of the candidate is known by them and has greater possibilities of being linked.
The data collected from the people who provide services in the company as suppliers, commercial alliances or natural persons, have the purpose of developing the commercial relations that exist with them seeks to know and follow up on the financial suitability and commercial behavior of these. Among them, make them participants in the welfare activities provided by Royal investment of Colombia S.A.S. and Royal Vacations of Colombia S.A.
R.N.T. 22101
PBX: 571 756 1114
Cel: 301 524-3499
Calle 42 # 66B - 21
Barrio Salitre El Greco
Bogotá D.C. - Colombia

Exploitation and sexual abuse of minors is punishable by imprisonment, in accordance with the provisions of law 679 of 2001.
© 2010 - 2017 por Royal Investment de Colombia S.A.S.