NTS-003 / (FT-05)
Date: Jan / 2017
The Travel Agency ROYAL INVESTMENT OF COLOMBIA, located in BOGOTÁ, undertakes to mitigate all negative impacts that affect the natural environment due to the development of its operation and to optimize the use of natural resources, promoting good practices of tourists in natural parks and zones, and making known these natural areas in different communication sources.
It also promises to promote and conserve the cultural heritage of the regions and destinations in which it has commercial activity, releasing in a responsible way the traditions and tourist attractions of the region, gastronomy crafts and real estate of cultural importance.
It also commits itself to protecting and supporting the destination community by implementing good sustainable practices, respecting the rights of all actors and ensuring the fulfillment of their duties; preventing negative impacts such as CSEC associated with travel and tourism. For this will have a base of collaborators and local suppliers committed to the conservation of the environment culture and social development, hired under a policy of hiring without discrimination.
The separation of waste at source is one of the essential keys when looking to reduce the impact on the environment that surrounds us. Therefore we use the following classification for a better final disposition:
• Gray Mug: Non-returnable beverage containers, clean aluminum, disposable cups, plastic bags, and other plastic containers that are empty.
• Blue Mug: Carton and Paper, which should not be dirty with other different materials that contaminate it.
• Green Mug: Ordinary wastes are those that cannot be recycled.

Sources of Water Consumption
Sanitary equipments
To optimize the consumption of water, we have purchased sanitary water saving appliances and carried out reviews and maintenance every 2 months of sanitary appliances, avoiding leaks and loss of water.
We have placed water saving notices in the points of consumption of the liquid and carried out the installation of water saving devices.

What should we do?
1. Check the water faucets, plumbing and pipes of the exteriors for leaks. Drop by drop the water runs out.
2. Make use of rainwater collection systems in houses, which can be used for washing clothes, cleaning homes and sanitary facilities.
3. Irrigate plants and gardens only twice a week, in the evening or early morning, preferably implementing drip irrigation systems.
4. When washing dishes by hand, use a tub to wash them and another to rinse them. Never under the jet of the open key.
5. Take short showers and close the key while soaping.
6. Use a glass of water to brush your teeth. Do not leave the tap open.
7. Close the key while shaving, use a container or the sink plug to shave.
8. Wash the vehicles in places established for that purpose; if it is washed at home; use only a bucket of water.
9. Teach children not to waste water.
10. Periodically check that the toilet float is functioning correctly.
11. Install low consumption toilets.
12. Check the packaging of the keys at least 2 times a year.
13. Collect the water that comes out of the shower while you wait for it to warm up in order to use it for plants or toilets.
14. Use the washing machine for full loads avoiding its use for few items.
15. Avoid the use of hose for the waste of water.
Sources of Energy Consumption
Equipment and electrical installations
Place notices of savings to the energy consumption in the electrical installations of the agency.
Electric equipment
Periodic maintenance of electrical equipment
Internal luminaire
Carry out regular maintenance and cleaning of the lamps and luminaires in order to maximize their lighting and detect malfunctions.
Installation of motion sensors for the corridor luminaire.
Changing lighting by bulbs Mainly Led but you still have saving bulbs
Lighting and natural ventilation
Natural lighting thanks to the windows that allow the entrance of light in the day.

What should we do?
1. Do not leave equipment, which is battery operated, connected for a long time. Just plug it in for the time it takes to charge the battery.
2. If you live in hot ground, try to turn on the fans, instead of the air conditioning, they spend less energy.
3. Keep all chargers unplugged. Even if they are not carrying anything and appear dull, they continue to consume energy.
4. Never leave your TV in 'Sleep' mode or your computer in 'Restart' as they continue to consume a lot of energy and continuously.
5. Buy energy saving light bulbs. These will also save you money when your electricity bill arrives.
6. Keep unplugged electrical appliances that you do not use very often, especially if you are going out.
7. When you are not going to wash a relevant amount of clothes, it is best to use short wash cycles and use cold sharp.
8. Turn off the lights when you are not using them.
9. If you are going to heat the food, instead of using the stove or the electric oven, make use of the microwave. This heats the food faster.
10. Try to wash as many clothes as you can in a single wash, this with the idea of not using the washing machine that consumes a lot of energy.
11. While not using your computer, turn off the monitor or screen.
12. If you can connect most appliances to the same outlet, it is better. You can connect a multitoma to a single plug and there are as many appliances as possible.

Remember that we have the following natural and cultural heritages declared by UNESCO, which we must respect and help preserve:
• Traditional marimba songs and songs from the South Pacific of Colombia-Nariño, Cauca and Valle del Cauca
• Cultural area of Palenque de San Basilio-Bolívar
• The Barranquilla-Atlántico Carnival
• The Holy Week processions of Popayán-Cauca
• Carnival of Whites and Blacks-Nariño
• Normative System of the Wayuus applied by the pütchipü'ü ("palabrero") - Guajira
• Traditional knowledge of the Yuruparí-Vaupés jaguar shamans
• Feast of St. Francis of Assisi-Quibdó
• Historic center of Santa Cruz de Mompox-Bolívar
• Cultural landscape of the coffee of Colombia-Risaralda, Caldas, Quindío and Valle del Cauca
• Archaeological Park of San Agustín-Huila
• Tierraadentro National Park
• Katios-Choco National Park, Antioquia (Endangered)
• Port, fortresses and monumental complex of Cartagena-Bolívar
Do not scratch them, do not destroy them, do not take them home, do not speak badly about them, better enjoy them healthily and help spread their importance. Remember that it is the responsibility of all to take care of them, since that depends on that they continue being considered heritage of the humanity. Colombia has an extensive artisan legacy that, in addition to transmitting our culture, has emerged as an internationally recognized export product.
The crafts of Colombia have been positioned as high quality goods and variety that constitute one of the letters of presentation that we have before the world. Our extensive geography and culture, as well as the expert use of materials implemented by our artisans, are some of the characteristics that the country has in this sector.

"We are against the discrimination of any person because of their race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, political or philosophical ideology, sex or sexual orientation"
Where can you learn more about ethnic diversity in Colombia?

Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Girls, Boys and Adolescents
The Travel Agency rejects the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Girls, Boys and Adolescents and is committed to preventing and reporting inside and outside the establishment, linking our partners, human resources, partners and collaborators to the disclosure and compliance with Law 1336 and 1329 of 2009.
In the case of underage guests, an identity card or civil registry must be requested to verify a link that identifies them as a first degree relative or, alternatively, a letter of authorization from the parents to stay.
The hotels where you stay will avoid renting the room if they suspect that they are facing a case of sexual exploitation.
In this agency it is prohibited to promote or offer tourist packages, sites, images, texts, advertising, video or any other medium in which sexual activities with minors are shown.
The establishment and its collaborators should easily count on the telephone number of the police of the sector or police of tourism in case of presenting a case of CSEC and denouncing it.
In case of suspicion of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents - CSEC - in the premises of the lodging establishment, notify the person in charge of security in a timely manner or contact the national complaint line 01 8000 112 440 and line 106 of the ICBF.
At the time the reservation is made, find out what are the documents required to register a minor in a lodging establishment.
• Hunt.
• Get drunk or use psychoactive substances.
• Use aerosol sprays and other contaminants.
• Collect shells, corals and stones.
• Start plants and flowers or collect animal species.
• Entering pets into parks.
• Listen to music at high volume.
• Throwing litter or solid waste into the soil or bury it, whether biodegradable or organic.
• Light bonfires, unless the natural park or tourist area managers have places specifically designated for this activity.
• Throw cigarette butts or glass that may cause fires.
• Buy hawksbill, coral, or other scarce or life-threatening natural items.
• Take with you a small first aid kit
• Prevents lost documents, upload a copy
• Divide and save your money in different places
• Make sure you consume clean water
• Always locate the emergency exits
• At the beach, find out if it is suitable for swimming
• Do not neglect your personal belongings
• Find out about visas and necessary permits if you leave the country
• When going to natural parks, look for the company of an authorized guide
• Get vaccinated against yellow fever
• When diving, take care of corals
Consult previously information of the destination to visit, museums, buildings, culture, gastronomy and language among others
Buy products that do not require the manufacture of the use of plants and / or animals
Do not buy goods of cultural interest
Learn words in the community dialect
Buy crafts from their manufacturers
Report if you suspect sexual exploitation of minors
Comply with local laws, report any crime to the National Police
Respect the culture of the community, you are the guest
Carry your identification documents at all times
Report in the hotel reception the activities that you are going to carry out or areas that you are going to visit
R.N.T. 22101
PBX: 571 756 1114
Cel: 301 524-3499
Calle 42 # 66B - 21
Barrio Salitre El Greco
Bogotá D.C. - Colombia

Exploitation and sexual abuse of minors is punishable by imprisonment, in accordance with the provisions of law 679 of 2001.
© 2010 - 2017 por Royal Investment de Colombia S.A.S.